World Refrigeration Day takes place annually on June 26.
First started in 2019, World Refrigeration Day raises the profile of the important contribution that refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps make globally across so many aspects of modern life. From medical applications to food supply and farming, process engineering to data and IT, refrigeration technologies are essential and yet go widely unrecognised.
World Refrigeration Day provides a chance to acknowledge our industry’s history, recognise its essential role in our lives and envision its future. AlRAH is engaged in many year-round initiatives supporting the HVAC&R industry. This involves activities aimed at improving sector visibility and awareness, including presentations to primary school students about the invention of refrigeration, its climate impact and where it’s headed. We’re taking World Refrigeration Day as an opportunity to expand on our outreach and highlight the wonderful world of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (or HVAC&R as it’s often called) and share stories from our members and the industry.
For more on World Refrigeration Day, visit their website.