An air conditioner is a must in Australia, where summers are often sweltering and each year sees an average of three heat waves. Thanks to its energy efficiency, power and versatility, split-type air conditioners are popular among Australian homeowners and business owners.

What’s more, this type of air conditioning unit is easy to install. Unlike window units, you won’t have to cut a hole in a wall or dedicate a window to your split type AC. They are also durable, lasting 10 to 20 years. However, they need regular cleaning, just like any other type of AC.

Why It’s Important to Clean Your Split Type AC

Split-type AC units are built to be tough and resilient. However, they can become less effective at cooling indoor air and less efficient if they aren’t regularly cleaned.

What’s more, not cleaning your AC could negatively impact the air quality in your home or place of business. The air filters are designed to catch dust, dander and microbes. If not cleaned, they can get clogged.

Eventually, they could end up trapping moisture, which in turn encourages the growth of mould. Mould spores could spread throughout your home or building, assisted by your AC unit. This could potentially cause respiratory health problems in the people living or working within.

Clogged filters can also cause your air conditioner to overheat. Your AC will have to work harder to draw air from throughout your home or place of business and blow it through the filters. In turn, this causes your unit to be less efficient, resulting in high energy bills.

And it’s not just AC filters that get dirty—AC coils can also collect dirt and grime.

Accumulated dirt reduces the ability of evaporator coils to cool the refrigerant that absorbs heat and humidity from indoor air. Meanwhile, your AC’s condenser coils won’t be as effective at transferring heat from the unit to the outside air, affecting your AC’s efficiency.

Most importantly, it can lead to costly repairs and shorten its lifespan.

Do not forget about vents. Check out our post about vent cleaning.

How Often You Should Clean Your Air Conditioner

Now that you know the importance of air conditioner cleaning, you might wonder how often you should clean your split air con.

Generally, you should clean each filter in each indoor unit every two weeks. However, you might need to clean the filters more frequently if your home or building is dusty or has pets.

As for the rest of your split AC, you’ll want to have the coils and pipes cleaned and maintained once or twice a year. Ideally, this should be done by an HVAC professional. This is because going inside the unit if you’re not trained can cause accidental damage to your AC. This could result in even more significant issues and may cause the warranty to be voided.

A capable HVAC professional not only can give your air con a thorough clean but also inspect it for potential problems and minor issues. This way, you can have them addressed before they worsen.

Signs You Need to Have Your Split-Type Air Conditioner Cleaned

What if it’s not yet time for your AC’s scheduled maintenance, but you suspect it’s dirty? Here are signs that your air conditioner is due for a cleaning.

The Filters Are Covered in Dust and Debris

This is a sure sign that your filters need to be cleaned as soon as possible. Otherwise, your AC may have a hard time pulling in air through its vents and won’t be able to clean air as well as it should.

Your Split AC Isn’t Cooling Enough or At All

This could indicate any of several problems, such as a dirty coil or a clogged filter. It could also be due to issues with the thermostat, a faulty compressor or low coolant levels. The best way to know for sure is to call for professional service.

Your Air Con Is Making Odd Noises

Hissing, wheezing or rattling sounds coming from your air conditioner could indicate a fan that has become unbalanced due to dirt and dust accumulation. It might also mean that the coils are dirty.

There’s an Unpleasant Smell

A musty smell coming from an indoor unit could mean mould growth on the filters or in the drain pain. The latter is usually located under the indoor evaporator coils. It catches condensate that forms on these coils and guides the dirty water to the drain pipe.

Apart from mold, drain pans can also harbor insects and small animals, like cockroaches and lizards. If an animal gets stuck and dies in the drain pan, it will eventually decompose and cause a foul smell.

The Benefits of Professional Cleaning

The steps outlined above are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cleaning your split air conditioner. To completely clean out its indoor and outdoor units, it is necessary to remove parts and components as well as utilize specialty tools. Going inside of the unit can be difficult as well as dangerous if you’re not familiar with the workings of air conditioners and if you don’t have experience working with electrical equipment.

Meanwhile, an air conditioner technician has undergone extensive training and has the skills to clean, service and even repair your split air conditioner. They have the right tools and equipment to thoroughly clean your AC and remove dirt buildup, mold and dead pests.

Superior AC Cleaning Services From the Experts

HP6 specializes in HVAC&R cleaning, maintenance and repair. We provide comprehensive, tailored services to residential and commercial clients in Queensland and surrounding areas. Fill out the form below to request a quote or enquire at [email protected] or 1300 HP6 NOW.